Attributes of effective communication

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Deepthi Sharma wrote on 5/28/2021 3:43:29 PM in Soft Skills | Read 2445 times.
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Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior; also: exchange of information. How to use communication in a sentence.
It is more than simply the transmission of information. The term requires an element of success in transmitting or imparting a message, whether information, ideas, or emotions. A communication therefore has three parts: the sender, the message, and the recipient. The sender ‘encodes’ the message, usually in a mixture of words and non-verbal communication. 

Attributes of effective communication

The seven attributes of effective communication are described below – 


Effective communications are complete, i.e. the receiver gets all the information he needs to process the message and act. A complete message reduces the need for follow-up questions and smoothens the communication process.


Conciseness is about keeping your message to a point. It helps the receiver focus on what’s important, speeds up the processing of information and caters for improved understanding.

Consideration (You attitude) :

Effective communication considers the receiver’s background and points of view. Tailoring your message to your audience – e.g., by using argumentations and examples which are relevant to their experience – makes it easier for them to process the contents.


A concrete message is specific, tangible, vivid. It’s supported by facts for enhanced credibility. It helps your audience gain an overview of the broader picture. Concreteness mitigates the risk of misunderstanding, fosters trust, and encourages constructive criticism.


Courtesy and consideration complement each other in effective communications. Courtesy means respecting the receiver’s culture, values, and beliefs – i.e. crafting a message that is genuinely polite and unbiased.


The clearer your message, the easier it gets for the receiver to decode it according to your original intent. While this sounds obvious, most communication pitfalls originate from lack of clarity. Clear communications build on exact terminology and concrete words, to reduce ambiguities and confusion in the communication process.


Correct grammar and syntax vouch for increased effectiveness and credibility of your message. Formal errors might affect the clarity of your message, trigger ambiguity and raise doubts. They might also have a negative impact on the overall perception of the message, which could be seen as sloppy or negligent.

In this post we have seen what communication and its main attributes. This question was asked in B tech second Sem assignment. Will come back soon with other questions related to this Subject.

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